Holistic Depth Coaching
Holistic Depth Coaching provides an individualized container for you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Holistic Depth Coaching helps you access your inner wisdom, work through your “stuff,” integrate all parts of yourself, listen to your body, take impeccable care of yourself, and deepen your spirituality so you can live your purpose in this world and become the best possible ancestor for future generations.

Good Candidates for This Program...
Are curious and introspective spiritual seekers eager to expand their consciousness, discover who they are, and become more integrated human beings
Want to reclaim lost parts of themselves and get rid of what is no longer serving them so they can become more aligned and whole
Are committed to a wider purpose and making a difference on this planet (or they are trying to figure out what that purpose is!)
Are excited to deepen into a spiritual path that is intrinsically directed and intrinsically motivated, so they can tap fully into their inner guidance
The Details
My 1:1 Holistic Depth Coaching program consists of 12 individualized sessions catered to you and your needs. I utilize a blend of methods, including Depth Hypnosis, Applied Shamanism, Mindfulness, Buddhist Psychology, Somatics, Psychedelic Integration, and IFS.
It is for those who want to grow personally, spiritually, and sometimes professionally on all levels in a highly personalized 1:1 container.
The investment is $2587 paid up-front for 12 65-minute sessions, conducted weekly or every-other-week (your choice.) If you prefer to pay-as-you-go, you may also invest $225 on a per-session basis.
This program can be thought of as a coaching program, and is not considered a therapeutic relationship. Those needing therapy for mental health concerns, rather than wanting coaching for personal and spiritual growth and transformation, are encouraged to pursue therapy instead. If you live in the USA in the states of MO or IL, request a therapy consult with me here. If you don't, you can find a therapist in your local area using this site.
The first step towards embarking on this path is to fill out the application below. Emma will then review your information and get back to you.

“This review is for my experience with “Inner Harmony”, a six-week course in IFS, as well as a private IFS session with Emma: Firstly, it seems to me that Emma clearly shares her practice from a place of personal results and healing. The tools and concepts that she shares are shared with an intimate understanding that tells me that she utilizes them regularly. Maybe more importantly, this tells me that she believes fully in what she is sharing.
Secondly, IFS as a practice seems to me to hold infinite healing/therapeutic potential. The framework that IFS provides to explore the mind is simple to navigate and, if one is willing, powerful to behold. I enjoy seeing the world through the lens of IFS on occasion.
Lastly, with the help of Emma, I am successfully navigating these challenging times of Covid-19. In this time, I have experienced doubts and fears and anxieties. Emma, through the lens of IFS, has assisted my process of healing some of the roots of these emotions so that I may live life with more clarity. Thank you, Emma.”
-Samuel Wyant